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- 10 meter Colossal Squid caught
- 10 Million Ladybirds swarm on farm in Somerset!
- 19 Manatees Rescued from Florida Storm Drain
- 100 Million year-old bee discovered
- 100ft-long 'snake' Photographed in Borneo
- 150 million year old dinosaur had multi-coloured feathers
- 1930s Loch Ness Monster did exist! (Maybe)
- A few Weird Stories from 2008
- African Golden Cat filmed hunting Red Colobus Monkeys (Video)
- African Sidamo Lark could soon be extinct
- AI Cryptids!
- Albino Corn Snake found on Motorway in Hampshire (UK)
- Alien Angel Hair falls from sky in Portugal
- Amateur divers find 2,000 Gold Coins off Israel's coastline
- Amazing footage of Curiosity Rover Descent to Mars
- Amazing Giant Crocodile Takes on Bull Elephant
- Amazing Hieroglyphs in the Pyramid of Teti
- Amazing New highest-resolution photos of Pluto
- Amazing video - Moon Crossing Face of Earth
- Amazing video of a Waterspout
- American made UFO spotted in Afghanistan
- Americas Oldest Art Found on Mammoth Bone?
- Ancient blood-sucking lamprey found in River Thames
- Ancient Devil Frog Discovered
- Ancient Mummy Warehouse found in Egypt
- Ancient Reptile named after Harry Potter Curse
- And so it begins - Robot Vacuum Cleaner Attacks Woman!
- Angel-Like UFOs seen near the Sun by NASA SOHO
- Angry goat goes mad and attacks nursing home residents!
- Animal lets young eat its skin
- Animal rights group wants chimpanzees recognised as 'legal persons'
- Animated Map of Global Earthquakes January – April 2014
- Animated Supercell Thunderstorms made from a single Photograph
- Another Big Cat sighting in Pembrokeshire
- Another Chris Kenworthy Interview
- Another Montauk Monster (Video) new or old news?
- Another Pyramid found in Eastern Europe
- Another Triangle UFO filmed over Pingguoyuan, Beijing 13th Feb 2011
- Another UFO filmed by NASA?
- Another UFO filmed over London (Maybe?)
- Antarctic Ghost Mountain Mystery Solved
- Antiquities plundered from Iraq and Syria appearing online for sale
- Ant pushing a Water Droplet
- Anubis - God of the Dead visits London
- Anyone seen the Mongolian Deathworm recently?
- Apollo 18, Why We Never Went Back!
- Archaeological discovery enormous foot-shaped enclosures in Jordan
- Area 51 employees Barnes and Lovick explain UFO sightings
- Are you ready for a Weird Weekend?
- Asteriod Near Miss
- Atlantis crew prepare for late August launch
- Atlantis docks with ISS
- Atlantis heads home
- Atlantis launched delayed by lightning
- Atlantis set for Sunday Launch
- Audio Tape recordings from the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident!
- Aurora Borealis seen over UK from Space
- Australia announces planes to save Great Barrier Reef
- Australian Ghost Bats filmed for first time
- Australian Snake Invasion
- Australian Teenager spots UFO?
- Australian UFO video hoaxer interview
- Australian UFO Wave web-site
- Baby Albino Green Sea Turtle
- Back on track - where have I been for the last two months?
- Bald Songbird discovered in Laos
- Baltic Sea UFO may be Secret Nazi Weapon
- Bananas! Shocked shopper finds Deadly Spider that can cause 4 hour Erection!
- Barack Obama visits the Pyramids with Zahi Hawass
- Basking Shark, not Monster, found on Long Island Beach
- Bear spotted in Rendlesham's UFO Forest!
- Beautiful Iron-Age elite tomb discovered in France
- Beijing hit by sandstorm
- Bernard Heuvelmans
- Best UFO Sightings from November 2012
- Betty & Barney Hill Alien Abduction exhibition
- Big Cat blamed for Sheep Deaths?
- Big Cat captured on video in Helensburgh, Argyll?
- Big cat paw print found in Derbyshire
- Big Cat photographed near Duffus Castle, Scotland
- Big Cat sighting in Gloucestershire UK
- Big Cat sighting near Bridgnorth, Shropshire
- Big Cat spotted in New South Wales
- Big Cat spotted near New Farm Loch Scotland
- Big cats seen near UK shopping centre
- Big Dipper carving found in Inner Mongolia
- Bigfoot Cave found in Arizona?
- Bigfoot on the loose in Tunbridge Wells?
- Bigfoot tracks found in Bella Coola, BC Canada
- Bigfoot video from Manitoba, Canada (maybe?)
- Black Rhino Extinct?
- Blind Legless Lizard Discovered
- Blue Fire and Lava from Indonesian Volcano
- Blue jellyfish-like creatures wash up on West Coast Beaches
- Bobcat gets stuck in the Window Blind
- Book Bound Human Skin goes on display!
- Book Covered in Human Skin?
- Books Bound in Human Flesh Discovered
- Boomerang Shaped UFO Zigzags Over New Hampshire
- Borneo's Mystery Species
- Bosnian Pyramids (Real?)
- Bosnian Pyramids confusion
- Bownessie Monster sighted again Feb 25th 2011
- Boy finds Mammoth carcass in Siberia
- Bright Blue Lobster saved from dinner table
- Buffaloes Loose in Mexico City
- Cadborosaurus 'Caddy' sighting from 1963
- California Academy Of Sciences Discovered 91 New Species in 2013
- Canada opens up its UFO files to the public
- Cannibal Frog found in Australia
- Canterbury Big-Cat Photographed (NZ)
- Can you Help solve the Rendlesham UFO mystery?
- Can You Speak Venusian?
- Cassini spots unusual Red Arcs on Saturn's Icy Moon
- Catacombs at Tuna el-Gebel (Hermopolis)
- Cat sized Shrew discovered
- Cattle attacked by Vampire Bats
- CA witness says UFO looked like creature!
- CCTV: Driver Crashes Car and Takes out Traffic Lights!
- CCTV of Elephant cleaning up the trash
- CFZ Press Release
- Chameleon snake discovered
- Champ Video causes a stir
- Cheetah Breaks Speed Record
- Cheetah the chimpanzee has died at the age of 80
- Chimpanzees use Spears to Hunt Bushbabies
- China planes to go to the moon!
- China plans Space Station by 2020
- Circular UFO/Saucer shaped object found in Russia
- Clear Picture of Virginia Bigfoot?
- Colin Andrews creates a Fire Storm as MOD Nick Pope withdraws Official Government Statement on Crop Circles and UFOs
- Collection of NASA Anomalies - aka UFOs
- Conker Trees threatened by Moth!
- Contrails, lets make artificial rain?
- Cool Pic of Curiosity Mars Rover at Lading Site
- Copy of Magna Carta found in Council Archives
- Cornish Cow gets head stuck in Tree
- Could Bigfoot be living in East Texas?
- Cow gets head stuck in tree!
- Crazy! Man Dressed as Cow Steals Milk
- Crazy, Gold Nugget worth £100,000 found in Australia
- Crazy, Man caught on CCTV blowing up his own Shop!
- Crazy, Nazis tried to train Dogs to talk!
- Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin has Died
- Crop Circle researcher Pat Delgado has died
- Cryptomundo's Coleman strapped for cash
- Cryptoworld's 10 Hottest stories from April 2009
- Cryptoworld's 10 Hottest stories from May 2009
- Cryptoworld's Hot 10 from March 2009
- Cryptoworld's Word Cloud, May 2009
- Cryptoworld: Downtime
- Cryptoworld is back!
- Cryptoworld Problems
- Cryptozoology, Monsters and UFOs - Oddities of the World?
- Cryptozoology A to Z
- Cuban Man has 12 Fingers!
- Cyclops Kitten - Real or Fake?
- Dan Aykroyd on UFO Hoax and Crystal Skull Vodka!
- Dan Aykroyd Unplugged on UFOs
- Danish Police Investigate Unexplained Drone Sighting
- Daredevil Ice climbers scale Niagara Falls
- Darwin's tortoise dies aged 176
- David Icke interview (rant) Don't take the Swine Flu Vaccine!
- Dead Baby Fox
- Dead Lizard found in can of Tomatoes! (Pics)
- Dead whale found on Bournemouth beach
- Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission fails
- Denver to Vote on Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission!
- Destination Truth: Memoirs of a Monster Hunter
- Did a UFO crash? Or was it just the weather?
- Did the Three Wise Men see a UFO?
- Dinoflagellates - Living light
- Dinosaur Footsteps in Oxfordshire: A Jurassic Journey Through Time
- Discovery's a "Go" for Independence Day
- Discovery Countdown Begins
- Discovery Launch looking unlikely?
- Discovery Launch set for 1st July
- Discovery Launch Successful
- Discovery starts journey home
- Divers exploring a shipwreck discover alien-like egg sac
- Do'h! Artist Andrew Smith claims responsibility for Utah Lights!
- Dolphins spotted off the coast of Mudeford, Dorset, UK
- Don't water your garden, Paint it!
- Donna: World's oldest hippo dies at 61
- Doorbell Camera Captures Meteorite Impact: A World-First with Sound and Video!
- Dorset Life talks Dorset Big Cats
- Dorset UFOs 2008 - 2010
- Drinking Milk started in central Europe around 7,500 years ago
- Dusky Shark found on beach after Cyclone Marcia
- Dwarf Dragons discovered in Peru and Ecuador!
- e-Mongol, Chupacabra and Bigfoot
- Earthworms also Eat Live Plants!
- Eclipse that Eclipsed all Eclipses!
- El Chupacabra Mystery Definitively Solved - Maybe!?
- Elongated Skulls discovered in Siberia
- English Monster Hunters in search for Killer Dragon
- Escaped Rhino in Nepal causes chaos and kills one person
- European Cave Artists Were Female
- Ex-Military, NASA Veterans Form new UFO Research Group!
- Explosive Lightning Caught On Video
- Extinct Japanese salmon found Alive in lake after 70 years!
- Extinct Philippines Buttonquail Spotted, then Eaten!
- Extremely Rare Ili Pika Photographed
- Face of Jesus found in Tree Stump!
- Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates
- Firefighter Manual deals with UFOs
- First (fuzzy) Colour Photo of Pluto!
- First 360 Panorama from Curiosity Rover
- First Dinosaur Fossils Discovered in Saudi Arabia
- First UK Crop Circle of 2011?
- Five favourites from 2008
- Flores Hobbit was a separate species
- Flying Dinosaurs to the Boston Museum 1984
- Flying Monsters
- Fly problems in Australian outback
- Foam Storm is Snow Joke for residents of Cleveleys
- Forgotten Adamski UFO analysis documentary found
- Fox pops in to BBC Coffee Shop Café Nero
- France taken to court over great hamster disappearance!
- France to disclose Extra Terrestrials - here on Earth!
- Friday's Round-up
- Friday's Round-up
- Full Moon fears for Mayon Volcano
- Fully Preserved Ice Age Bear Found!
- Gambi Expedition 2006
- Genetically Modified Corn Approved for Ethanol Production!
- Ghost Hunters raid Iraq Hospital
- Giant Ant Fossil Found
- Giant ape lived with humans
- Giant camel found in Syrian desert
- Giant Centipede eats mouse
- Giant Crater Found in Artic Tundra
- Giant Earthworms, not Deathworms?
- Giant freshwater Stingray caught in Maeklong River Thailand
- Giant Guinea Pig had bite like a Tiger!
- Giant Homer Simpson a bit of fun or disrespectful?
- Giant Isopod, Fluorescent Sharks...
- Giant Rat caught in China
- Giant Sea Worm discovered in UK Aquarium
- Giant Skeletons were just a hoax!
- Giant Squid Filmed in the Wild!
- Giant Squid found on Tasmanian beach
- Giant Squid Update
- Giant Stingray caught in Thailand
- Giant Stork fossil found on Hobbit Island!
- Giant Toothy Seabird fossils discovered
- Giant UFO seen by entire City
- Giant Wasp Nest Discovered in Abandoned Home
- Gigantic Scorpion fossil found
- Glowing Pigs pass on Gene to Piglets
- Goat Man spotted in Northern Utah
- Gollum-like creature spotted in China turns out to be a sci-fi actor taking a pee!
- Google finds Atlantis, maybe... probably not!
- Gorilla Brothers reunite after 3 years
- Gorilla Twins Born in Wild
- Grand Canyon Fills up with Clouds!
- Green Glowing Pigs!
- Gruesome creature found by UK lake!
- Gum Hill Beast (Bigfoot) Video?
- Hairy Crab!
- Hints of life on Venus?
- Hippo gets stuck in Water Tower!
- Hitler's "Horten 2-29" Stealth Fighter Re-created
- Horses were domesticated much earlier than first thought
- Hubble Space Telescope turns 30!
- Hubble Telescope photo of a Smiley Face Galaxy Cluster
- Huge Alligator seen on Florida golf course
- Huge cave found in Venezuela
- Huge Crab Kong Visits Weymouth UK
- Huge number of sharks facing extinction!
- Huge Swordfish caught off UK coast
- Huge Waves to hit Cornwall tomorrow
- Huh! UFO battles captured on video?
- Human Skulls used as Ice Age Cups!
- Humans related to Orangutans, not Chimps, says new study!
- Hundreds of Basking Sharks return to Cornish coast (UK)
- Hundreds of Dinosaur Egg Fossils found in Spain
- Hundreds of Prehistoric Sex Cult Sites Found in Israel
- Hundreds of UFOs sighted over UK (Update)
- Hundreds of UFOs sighted over UK skies
- Icebergs are washing up on Cape Cod beaches after winter weather
- Illogical - Spock's Ear up for sale!
- Incredible Magnetic Boy (Video)
- Incredible Video: Man struck by lightning Twice walks away!
- Indonesian Farmer attached by Unknown Animal
- Indonesian UFOs? No, paper lanterns released by Buddhist
- Interesting Guide to Identifying UFOs!
- Interesting questions raised in Parliament about Rendlesham Forest UFOs
- Invisible Beam Weapon announced to break up prison riots!
- Iran builds UFO... not!
- Iran claims successful launch of space rocket!
- Isle of Purbeck Big Cat Sighting?
- Is the Beast of Brookmans Park back?
- Is there a problem with Cryptozoology?
- ITN report on UFO wind turbine incident
- Jabberwocky - Video and Poem
- Jamaica sized ice shelf breaks free from Antarctica
- Jane Goodall on how Bigfoot might be real!
- Japan prepares for Giant Jellyfish Invasion!
- Jim Morrison's Ghost Still Haunts Rock Fan
- Joggers attacked by Buzzards!
- John Keel, UFO and Fortean author has died
- Johor 'Bigfoot' caught?
- Johor Bigfoot remnant of Homo-Erectus?
- Johor Bigfoot Update (well, sort of)
- Jumbo Squid found on beach after Earthquake!
- Launch Scrubbed
- Leatherback Spotted off Dorset Coast
- Leatherback turtle spotted off Scotland
- Leaving Comments
- Legless frogs mystery solved - possibly!
- Levitating Sphere seen on Mars?
- Lights (UFOs) filmed over Highland village
- Lights, Lanterns and UFOs!
- Lion or just a Cat?
- Lockheed ATHENA Laser Gun Stops Truck Dead
- London Zoo breeds rare Dove
- Long Island Basking Shark Video
- Long overdue update
- Looters break into Cairo's Egyptian Museum
- Lost World found in New Guinea
- Magnetic Boy back in the News
- Manchester university helps DNA test Hatshepsut mummy
- Man eating badgers terrorise Iraqi city of Basra!
- Mangrove Terrapin rediscovered in Thailand
- Man killed by Cockfighting Chicken!
- Map of Top UFO Hotspots in the US
- Mars500 Crew Walk on Mars!
- Mars500 simulated mission reaches Red Planet!
- Mars Ocean once covered 20% of Planet
- Marsupial Wolf or Tasmanian Tiger?
- Mass UFO sighting over Carmichael CA
- Mayon goes quiet
- Mayon Volcano
- Mermaid spotted in Israel
- Mersey Monster baffles Marine Experts
- Milk and Feces found in preserved baby Mammoth
- Missile, Plane or something else?
- Mogollon Monster - Arizona's bigfoot?
- Mole Man ordered to Stop!
- Mongolian Deathworm Documentary
- Monkey like creature spotted in Dorchester, Dorset UK
- Monster Catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy!
- Monster Snake spotted in Rumford Canal!
- Montauk Monster found in Panama
- More Isle of Purbeck Big Cat sighting
- More O'Hare UFO photos and links (pt3)
- More O'Hare UFO videos, and who is OhareUFOwitness?
- More than 200 new Amphibians discovered in Madagascar
- More UK Black Cat sights
- More Valentine UFO Lights, France Feb 14th 2011
- Morris Men UFOs - will it start copycat hoaxes?
- Most primitive primate skeleton discovered
- Mount Etna in Sicily spectacular erupts for first time in two years!
- Multicoloured Triangular Shaped UFO filmed over China
- Mysterious Ape? Or pet Monkey?
- Mysterious cylindrical object spotted the Black Country (UK)
- Mysterious disease wiping out Bats
- Mysterious lights seen over London
- Mystery animal photographed in New Zealand
- Mystery as Temple Pillar Heats up
- Mystery Beast Frenzy
- Mystery beast kills 3 dogs in Canada
- Mystery Cave dating from 1 A.D. found in Jordan Valley
- Mystery Hole found on Mars
- Mystery primate skull found in Dallas Texas
- Mystery Rock suddenly appears near Mars Rover!
- Mystery rodent spotted in Lunenburg
- Mystery Sea Creature or Rubber Mat?
- Mystery surrounds Lions death at Turkish Zoo
- Mystery worms panic Chinese herdsmen
- Mystical "Swedenborg" Whale Discovered in Sweden?
- Nasa's Space Probe prepares to explore Earth's deepest sinkhole
- NASA airbrushed moon images
- NASA confirms water on sunny parts of the Moon
- NASA Cuts Live Video As UFO Appears?
- NASA heading back to the moon?
- Nasa hunting the Chupacabra?
- NASA says its found water on Mars!
- NASA to Announce Significant Find on Mars!
- Nasty, Pet Camel Kills Owner
- Native American tooth 'bling' skull discovered
- Neanderthal family found Cannibalised!
- Need to Know, by Timothy Good
- Nessie the Elephant?
- New 'Nessie’ photo, Loch Ness Monster?
- New Black Cat sighting in New Zealand
- New Book about the Thunderbird, Kongamato and Ropen
- New clues on Johor Bigfoot
- New Dinosaur nicknamed "Hellboy" discovered
- New discovery suggests mammoths survived in Britain until 14,000 years ago
- New Egyptian Tomb and Sarcophagus Discovered
- New evidence confirms Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot is Fake!
- New finch species found in Idaho
- New Golden Wolf Species Discovered
- New Hammerhead Shark Discovered
- New Island forms in Red Sea after Volcanic activity
- New Loch Ness Monster Photo
- New Micro Moth Unique to UK
- New Orleanian man finds African Wildcat in backyard
- New Pictures of Nahuelito?
- New population of 2000+ Orangutans found in Borneo
- New Pyramid found with Google Earth?
- New Roswell UFO footage, proof of aliens in Area 51?
- New Snub-Nosed Monkey discovered in Northern Myanmar
- New species of Bat, the size of a thumb found in lava tunnel
- New species of legless amphibians found in India
- New species of mouse found in Europe
- New species of Squid found
- New Species of Tiny but Tough Dinosaurs discovered!
- New Sri Lanka Spider as Big as your Face!
- New Stonehenge Theory suggest it was Ancient Mecca on Stilts
- New Tapir discovered in Brazil
- New tomb found in Egypt
- New Tomb of Djehuty discovered in Egypt
- Nine hurricanes predicted this year!
- No, I haven't been abducted
- Noah's Ark Discovered in Iran not Turkey?
- No Baby Bigfoot Caught
- No Yoke, Chicken lays World's Smallest Egg!
- Nut-Cracking Dinosaur Discovered
- O'Hare UFO picture and links (pt2)
- O'Hare UFO Sighting Links (Pt1)
- O'Hare UFO video surfaces - is it real?
- Obama aide John Podesta, 'biggest failure’ was not disclosing UFO files
- Obama talks UFOs, admits Aliens are in Control (maybe)
- Ocean Plastic, Polluters Named in new Study
- Octopus and squid can hear!
- Office Workers implanted with Computer Chips to replace ID cards!
- Okapi rediscovered in eastern Congo
- Old Mural Tomb Unearthed in DPRK
- One-Eyed Kitten (again)
- On the Trail of Ancient Man: Book Review #1
- Orange balls of light seem over South London
- Orange UFO filmed over Japan's Osaka Airport
- Orangutan short-circuits electric fence to escape Zoo
- Panther-like Cat spotted in Wolverhampton (UK)
- Passenger videos engine fire as plane make emergency landing in Colombia (video)
- Perfect, Beer is good for the Brain and Britain's Favourite Biscuit!
- Peruvian Citadel could be the earliest Ancient Solar Observatory in the Americas
- Philip Schneider Biography
- Photo: Bownessie, Windermere Lake Monster!
- Photo: Jesus Crab
- Photo: Newborn Panda Twins
- Picture: Spooning Lions
- Picture: Tolkien's Gates of Moria
- Pictures: Ratty Rodent Fashion!
- Piles of Worms Gather on Texas Roads after recent Flooding
- Pink Dolphin spotted in US lake
- Pluto: Not a Planet!
- Police hunt Big Cat in northern France
- Police hunt Big Cat near London
- Possible sighting of Yangtze River dolphin?
- Pre-Stonehenge Complex Found via Crop Circles!
- Prehistoric Frilled Shark Sighting
- Project CARET - Reverse Engineered UFOs or just a hoax?
- Provo Canyon Bigfoot Video
- Puerto Rico Trench Video
- Purple UFO filmed by TV Crew in Lima
- Pyramid found in Bosnia?
- Rare 'blood sucking' fish found in River Wear (UK)
- Rare African Golden Cat caught on camera
- Rare Amazonian Short Eared Dog Caught on Camera
- Rare Chinese Alligator found in dustbin!
- Rare Conjoined Grey Whale Calves Found in Mexico
- Rare Irrawaddy Dolphins discovered in Bangladesh's mangrove forests
- Rare Jaguar photographed in Mexico
- Rare Megamouth shark washes up on beach in Philippines
- Rare ocelot sighted in Southern Arizona
- Rare Octopuses Fossil Found
- Rare Philippine Spotted Deer Discovered
- Rare Saharan Cheetah captured on Camera
- Rare Sierra Nevada Red Fox spotted in Yosemite National Park
- Rare Tope Shark found on Newquay Beach
- Rare Warty Pig eats entire family at Zoo
- Real Life Three-Eyed Blinky caught near Nuclear Power Plant
- Real UFO images?
- Remains of Woman with Alien-like Skull Found at Arkaim Russia
- Remembering the Thylacine aka Tasmanian Tiger
- Rendlesham Forest Bear - who was Fooled?
- Rhino helps enforce Lockdown!
- Ring shaped UFO filed near Los Angeles Airport
- Rio Grande sand circles created by artist not UFOs
- Robert Anton Wilson - The Map Is Not The Territory: The Future Is Not The Past
- Robotic Nano Hummingbird designed for the US Defence!
- Rotating UFO filmed over Amsterdam
- Sad News: Artefacts missing from Cairo Museum
- Scary! Ants form Global Mega-Colony
- Scary Tongue Eating Parasite found in tin of Tuna!
- Schoolgirl catches Monster Catfish
- Scientists say Galaxy may have Billions of Planets that support Life
- Scientists teach bees to sniff out bombs
- Scorpion shaped UFO seen over Spain (Photos)
- Secret Danish UFO archives released
- Secret Nazi Bunker discovered in South American Jungle
- Selection of Photos from today's Eclipse
- SELFS (A Plug!)...
- Serbian Council Issue Vampire Alert
- Sewer Creature is REAL - but not what you'd expect!
- Shape shifting balls of light filmed in Italy
- Shape Shifting Frog discovered in the Andes
- Shark falls from the sky!
- Sheep, more clever than first thought!
- Sheep eating Python found in Kuala Lumpur
- Should we bring back the Mammoth?
- Shuttle approved for launch
- Signs of life on Venus fading!
- Six-Eyed Sand Spider
- Skunk Apes
- Skunk found in West Yorkshire (UK)
- Skyfish, Flying Rods or just Moths?
- Smoke Ring shaped UFO was sign from God!
- Snowden Reveals Monsanto Collusion with Government to Create Chemtrails
- Sony's "Capture the Truth" Nessie, Bigfoot and UFO adverts
- So the Yeti exists?
- Space Shuttle Discovery prepares for final flight
- Space Shuttle Discovery Readies itself for Launch
- Space Shuttle Discovery Team Arrivs
- SpaceX Rocket Debris Creates Light Show
- Sperm Whale checks out Nautilus ROV
- Spooky 'ghost ships' filled with decaying bodies found drifting in Japanese waters
- Spring Madness - Deer uses cat flap
- Stephen Hawking at 70
- Stephen Hawking sings Monty Python's Galaxy Song (video)
- Strange Creature spotted near Falmouth
- Strange light (UFO) seen during thunderstorm
- Strange Light, possibly UFO filmed over Argentina
- Strange Light filmed over Kazakstan Jan 28th
- Strange Lights everywhere, Lanterns, Military or UFOs?
- Strange Lights on Dwarf Planet Ceres, Proof of Alien Life?
- Strange lights over London (Video)
- Strange lights spotted over Guernsey
- Strange New Fish Discovered near Antarctica
- Strange UFO Lights spotted over Lake District, UK
- Summer Fate Bargain - On The Track Of Unknown Animals
- Summer Solstice
- Supervolcano forming near New Zealand?
- Swarm of Locusts is devastating Russia crops (video)
- Tall Blond Haired Aliens spotted by Police Officer in Wiltshire?
- Tasmainian Tiger - 70 years extinct?
- Tasmanian devils now classed as endangered
- Tasmanian Tigers couldn't kill Sheep!
- Test predicts if you will die in next five years!
- Thames Whale Rescue Effort
- The 1972 Rothschild Illuminati Party
- The Ark of the Covenant
- The Bloop, Creepy Noises from the Deep
- The East River Monster, another Montauk?
- The Elusive Jaguarundi: 10 Intriguing Facts
- The Erickson Project aka Sasquatch the Quest Documentary
- The Hunt for Tasmanian Tiger
- The Lore of the Land
- The Origin of 'Claws' Discovered
- The Truth Behind the Jackalope
- The Yangtze River dolphin is now Extinct!
- Thousands of dead fish found in Brazilian lagoon
- Thousands of new sea species found
- Thousands of sharks swimming off Florida coast
- Three new Wafer Trapdoor Spiders discovered in Brazil
- Thylacine family at Beaumaris Zoo, Hobart, 1910
- Tiny Monkey found in Amazon!
- Titanoboa, worlds largest snake found!
- Tomb Raiders Exploit Chaos in Egypt!
- Top 10 Bizarre People of the World (Maybe)
- Top 10 Crytids of all time?
- Top 10 Endangered Species
- Top 10 Most Read Stories from August 2009
- Top 10 Most Read Stories from July 2009
- Top 10 Stories from 2010
- Top 10 Stories from 2013
- Top 10 Weird Stories from 2011
- Top 100 Endangered Species
- Torquay couple spot Mysterious lights
- Triangle UFO filmed over Pingguoyuan Beijing
- Triangle UFO Lights, Riverside, California, Feb 14th 2011
- Triangular UFO seen hovering over Worcester UK
- Tunnel found under Teotihuacan Temple in Mexico
- Tunnel to Two Previously Unknown Chambers Found in Aztec tomb
- Two-headed piglet born in China
- Two Headed Calf born in Morocco
- Two new Big Cat sightings near London
- UFO alert: Dudley Dorito returns!
- UFO and Crop Circle researcher David Kingston has died
- UFO and Weird Lights seen across the UK
- UFO Attacks and Destroys Taliban Camp (video)
- UFO Audio Archive from 40s Recovered
- UFO blamed for Sand Circles in Rio Grande
- UFO crash reported in Siberia
- UFO filmed Near Asteroid 2009-DD-45
- UFO filmed over Avebury Wiltshire
- UFO in Cuernavaca, Mexico Feb 2011
- UFO Monday - 12th June 2006
- UFO Monday 19th June 2006
- UFO Monday 26th June 2006
- UFO Mondays
- UFO News from Around the Web
- UFO not Nuclear test in Iran?
- UFO photographed over Bournemouth Dorset (UK)
- UFO photographed over Edgware, London
- UFO Photographed over Shrewsbury, Shropshire UK
- UFO Photo Mystery at Cornish Beach Solved
- UFOs and Helicopters filmed near Horn Lake
- UFO seen and photographed by Chinese officials
- UFO seen over Tel Aviv
- UFO seen over Tynemouth (UK)
- UFO shoot down over Iran?
- UFO sightings increase over Cape Town
- UFO spotted over Devon UK
- UFO Strange Bright Objects Flying over Japan's Osaka City
- UFO Witness drove within 600 feet of Bright Light
- UK Adders, Toads and Lizards are disappearing!
- UK Government and Royal family Crop Circle Coverup?
- UK Guardian poopoos Borneo's 100ft snake
- UK Hacker loses High Court appeal
- UK Hacker to be Extradited
- UK Supermarkets told to keep Daffodils away from food!
- UK UFO Files Released 2012 (Videos)
- Ultra-Rare Megamouth Shark found then Eaten!
- Umm, Dog balancing on a Chain!
- Unbelievable but true...!!!
- Universe: no Big Bang, Beginning or End!
- Update on Siberian UFO Crash
- Uranium found on Moon!
- US government tried to ‘rebuilt’ crashed alien craft!
- US Soybean Crop Circle
- Utah Goat Man Solved
- Vacation
- Vampire attacks man in wheelchair!
- Vampire stalks Siberian livestock!
- Very Weird Unknown life form found in Sewers!
- Video - Virgin Mary’s lips ‘move’ on painting during prayer!
- Video - Will the ex-circus Lion feels grass for first time!
- Video: ABC News Report on Rendlesham Forest Incedent
- Video: Alien or Jellyfish? Deep-Sea Monster Mystery!
- Video: Amazing Supermarket CCTV of Costa Rica Earth Quake
- Video: Baby Elephants play in Paddling Pool
- Video: Basking Shark Spotted In Florida
- Video: Bear attacks tourist car in China
- Video: Bigfoot seen in North Carolina?
- Video: Bob Lazar lie detector test and UFOs
- Video: Brilliant, Seagull Steals Video Camera in Cannes!
- Video: Bus in Brazil gets swallowed by Sinkhole
- Video: Buzz Aldrin Punches Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorist!
- Video: Car flips over on loose wires
- Video: Carl Sagan on alien civilisations
- Video: Cigar-shaped UFO filmed over Brazil, Feb 2011
- Video: Cigar-Shaped UFO filmed over UK
- Video: Dogs chew off mans toes!
- Video: Epic battle between Black-Eyed Squid and Owlfish
- Video: Extreme Wingsuit Flying (Amazing)
- Video: Finding Evidence of Bigfoot
- Video: Fireball lights up night sky during Meteor Shower
- Video: Giant Crocodile caught in the Philippines
- Video: Giant crustacean found in deepest ocean
- Video: Giant Squid swims in to Japan bay
- Video: Goliath Grouper eats shark in one bite!
- Video: Got It! Record-Breaking Burmese Python Caught
- Video: Groomed by Wild Mountain Gorillas!
- Video: Hero dog saves another injured dog from highway
- Video: Huge sinkhole in Louisiana swallows trees
- Video: Interesting Triangle UFO filmed over UK, Feb 17th 2011
- Video: Interview with Abductee Travis Walton
- Video: Japan UFO caught on Tape
- Video: Lightning Captured at 7,207 Images per Second
- Video: Man Dodges Death at Gas Station Pile-up
- Video: Man Eating Elephant!
- Video: Man outruns lorry!
- Video: Massive Solar Eruption 7th June 2011
- Video: Meteor seen across Britain, 3rd March 2012
- Video: Mini Flying Robots Hover Like Jellyfish
- Video: Mongolian UFO or just the Moon?
- Video: Mongolin Dust Devil trashes Campsite
- Video: More Red lights over Utah, UFO or Balloons?
- Video: More UFO Red Lights over Utah Feb 14th 2011
- Video: MorpHex Sphere Hexapod Robot
- Video: Pigeon Lays Egg in Frying Pan!
- Video: Rare White Humpback Whale spotted off Australia
- Video: Severed Hand Attached to Mans Ankle
- Video: Shark snaps fish away from angler!
- Video: Silent Triangle Shaped Craft over New York
- Video: Strange UFO lights over Sultanate Brunei, Borneo, Febuary 2011
- Video: Streaked Tenrecs use quills to communicate!
- Video: Stuff They Don't Want You To Know - Tesla
- Video: Suspected meteorite filmed over Peru
- Video: Tasmanian Tiger sighing from 2009
- Video: Tasmanian Tiger sightings near Byron Bay?
- Video: Terrible, Hairy Fly Rediscovered
- Video: The Dancing Pig!
- Video: The Many Calls Of The Hairy Beast!
- Video: Thylacine Sighting from Jan 2009?
- Video: Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945
- Video: Tornado Strikes Milan, Italy
- Video: Triangle Shapped lights filmed over Slovakia Feb 13th 2011
- Video: Two-headed calf born in Georgia
- Video: Two UFOs filmed over Melbourne Australia 9th Feb 2011
- Video: UFO 2010 Disclosure - Illuminati 2012
- Video: UFO filmed entering Volcano?
- Video: UFO Light filmed over Australia Feb 10th 2011
- Video: UFO Lights over Bavaria, Germany Feb 12th 2011
- Video: UFO Lights seen over Cambridgeshire (UK)
- Video: UFO Over Australia 9th March 2011
- Video: UFO Over Berlin May 22 2011
- Video: UFO over Capelle aan den IJssel (Holland)
- Video: UFO over Japan, Feb 2011
- Video: UFO over Montreal Canada Feb 17th 2011
- Video: UFOs over California
- VIDEO: UFOs over East Croydon?
- Video: UFOs over Tasmania, Australia
- Video: Unsolved Mysteries BIGFOOT in Oregon
- Video: White Kiwi Chick!
- Video of Drone flying through London's vast Crossrail Tunnels
- Video of Rabbit asleep while having a Bath!
- Videos: Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Footage
- Viking Outpost Found in Canada?
- Voldemort Cat Finds Home!
- Voyage to Our Hollow Earth
- V Shaped UFO Fireball over Argentina (Video)
- Wallabies spotted in Cornwall, England
- Wallaby caught in Lyme Regis town centre!
- Wasp Attacks Baboon Spider
- Weather Wars
- Weird - Piranha found in Devon River!
- Weird: Wild Boars invade Berlin!
- Weird cloud formation over Manchester looks like UFO
- Weird Cloud Seen from Space Station
- Weird contrails over Scotland
- Weird deep-sea fish with a transparent head Video
- Weird holes discovered in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia)
- Weird lights (UFOs) follow Russian plane
- Weird Meteor, Light, UFO seen over Southern Russia
- Weird UFO photographed in Poland
- Weird Weekend Update
- Were Rabbit Where?
- What? Dinosaur catches Fire at Amusement Park!
- What? Sheep Gives Birth to Dog!
- What is Ninki Nanka?
- What is the Mongolian Death Worm?
- What really happened at The Dugway facility?
- What the... Worlds most crowded Swimming Pool!!!
- What The? eBay To Ban Sale Of Hexes And Spells!
- What the? Soviet Surgeon removes his own Appendix!
- What the Church isn't saying about Planet X aka Nibiru And The Anunnaki
- What was Hot in February 2009
- Where to see the 20th March 2015 Solar Eclipse across the UK
- Wild Beaver!
- Wildcats Reintroduced in the Scottish Highlands
- Windermere Lake-Monster Sighting
- Wolverine spotted in Colorado
- Wolves return to Denmark after 200 years
- Woman dies after Grey Whale crashes into a Tourist Boat
- Woman finds Mexican black king snake in hallway
- Women Attacked by Giant Boar and gang of Pigs!
- Word of the Day - Petrichor!
- World's oldest tree fossil found
- World's rarest sea turtle found washed up on UK beaches
- World's smallest frog discovered
- World's smallest pigs thriving in India
- World’s rarest deer found on Philippine Island!
- Worm with 60 Eyes found in UK