A black leopard or possibly a puma, has been spotted 35 times in the past 3 months near the popular Bluewater shopping centre in Kent.
Hundreds of witnesses have reported seeing the big cats near Bluewater, but so far, no conclusive proof has been found.
But Neil Arnold from Kent Big Cat Research is appealing for more witnesses to come forward, as he believes the animals do exist, and would like to see them recognised and protected so as to make the public aware of what’s out there.
Black leopards seen near shops
MYSTERY big cats are said to have been spotted prowling around a popular shopping mall.
Two species of cat – a black leopard and a puma – have been seen near the Bluewater shopping centre in Kent.
There have been 35 sightings in the past three months.
On one occasion, a black Leopard was spotted in broad daylight by a family eating in the meal enclosure near McDonalds.continued…
The sightings were reported to Kent Big Cat Research. Neil Arnold founded the group, which studies eyewitness reports of exotic cats, 15 years ago.
It aims to make the public aware big cats such as the puma, black leopard and lynx are roaming the county.
Mr Arnold said: “Hundreds of witnesses have seen cats within several miles of Bluewater.
“My aims are to see the animals are recognised and protected and I want to make the public aware of what’s out there.”
The cats are timid and will only attack as a last resort.
If you spot a big cat, call Mr Arnold on 01634 302572
Source, Bizarre London [link]
There is no doubt that this animal exist. Some of my colleagues in the Forest of dean had mentioned sighting this big cat.