UFO shoot down over Iran?

Unidentified Flying Object
Unidentified Flying Object

Did Iran shoot down a UFO? A Spyplane? Or was it just an exercise to test their combat alertness and power of their new air defence system?

A bright object was sighted in the sky of Arak, Iran’s Central Province, Friday night, and was shot down by the Iranian anti-aircraft missiles, BAZTAB reported.

The Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) was completely destroyed by the country’s new air defence system, the report said. BAZTAB has learned that the bright object might have been a pilotless drone.

Few months ago, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) confirmed reports that its drones were conducting reconnaissance flights over the Iranian sky.

Some sources, however, claimed that the operation could have been part of an exercise to test the combat alertness and power of Iran’s air defence system.

Source: BAZTAB [link].

CW Staff
CW Staff

In the late 80s I started investigating UFOs and crop circles and joined the CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle Studies) and a local group researching strange sightings and reports along the south coast of Dorset (UK). In the early ’90s I started my own research group called SPS (Strange Phenomena Studies), this was renamed in 2004 to Cryptoworld.

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