… oh, and … Richard Freeman.
SELFS (South East London Folklore Society) has had talks on a wide range of subjects, from local folklore and paranormal events such as Greenwich ghosts and earth mysteries, the Deptford Jack-in-the-Green, Southwark witch trials and May Day customs & sacred sites in south London to an eclectic range of talks covering our interests of paganism, folklore, forteana, high-strangeness and the occult. Recent talks have included subjects such as dragon-lore, alien abduction, the life of Alistair Crowley, suspension and other body rituals, vodu, Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth and the folklore of Subterranean London. If you fancy finding out more about SELFS – check their website!
And what about Richard ‘Dragon’ Freeman?
Well he talked about the Mongolian Death Worm at SELFS on the 10th October.