Giant Earthworm

Cryptoworld’s 10 Hottest stories from May 2009

1) UFOs and Helicopters filmed near Horn Lake (Video)
Interesting video of unknown lights and what appears to be a lot of helicopters over Horn Lake, south of Memphis (exact location unknown). Half way through the video 3 new lights seem to appear out of thin air below the original group.
Watch the video here >>>

Giant Earthworm!

2) Giant Earthworms, not Deathworms?
Giant earthworms average at 1 metre (100cm) long and 2cm in diameter but can reach 3 metre in length.
Read the whole story here >>>

3) Another Montauk Monster (Video) new or old news?
Another one of Loren Coleman’s “Montauk Monsters” has apparently been washed up on a beach near Long Island.
Watch the video here >>>

4) Orange balls of light seem over South London
Still a very popular story – possible something to do with the amount of weird lights that are seen over the UK?
Crowds of people gathered in Balham and Tooting (South London) last week (August 2006) to watch two sets of orange lights fly in formation across the night sky.
Read the full story here – lots of comment too >>>

5) Mystery primate skull found in Dallas (Video)
A plumber working on a construction project outside a North Dallas school unearthed a mysterious skull. Wait, before you get excited, it’s just a monkey skull and not evidence of Bigfoot.
Watch the video here >>>

6) Ring shaped UFO filed near Los Angeles Airport (Video)
An interesting video of a Ring-Shaped UFO that first appeared on Youtube in December 2008 has started doing the usual rounds, but before you dismiss it, have a look as it does look intriguing. The exact location isn’t made clear, but it appears to have been filed at a beach(?) near Los Angeles Airport (LAX).
Watch the video here >>>

7) UFO filmed Near Asteroid 2009-DD-45 (Video)
An Italian researcher recorded footage of the asteroid 2009 DD 45 that recently passed by, and discovered a UFO near it!
Watch the video here >>>

8 ) Native American tooth ‘bling’ skull discovered
A new study has shown how Native Americans had sophisticated knowledge of tooth anatomy, which allowed them to perform some remarkable dentistry, adding semiprecious gems to their teeth.
Read the whole story here >>>

9) Big Cat photographed near Duffus Castle, Scotland
Photos of a possible big Cat photographed near Duffus Castle, Scotland.
See the photos and read the whole story here >>>

10) Mystery worms panic Chinese herdsmen
An invasion of unidentified worms has forced 50 herdsmen and their families from their grassland homes, taking 20,000 head of livestock with them.
Read the whole story here >>>

CW Staff
CW Staff

In the late 80s I started investigating UFOs and crop circles and joined the CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle Studies) and a local group researching strange sightings and reports along the south coast of Dorset (UK). In the early ’90s I started my own research group called SPS (Strange Phenomena Studies), this was renamed in 2004 to Cryptoworld.

Articles: 763

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