Iran has announced it has built a home-made unmanned flying device called Zohal (Arabic for 'Saturn') — strangely the words ‘flying saucer’ are mentioned in the announcement, which I has caused some misunderstanding among the UFO community...
Spot the difference! Totally confused about this story — the UK press has published a very strange photo implying Iran has made a Flying Saucer (UFO), which bizarrely looks like its come from a 1950’s B-Movie!
But in reality, what Iran has made, or rather announced, is a home-made unmanned flying device called Zohal (Arabic for ‘Saturn’) — strangely the words ‘flying saucer’ are mentioned in the announcement, which I suspect is the reason for the misunderstanding, but I no idea where the photo of the UFO has come from!
Zohal (from the Arabic for “Saturn”) is a quadrotor device which was designed and developed jointly by Farnas Aerospace Company and Iranian Aviation and Space Industries Association (IASIA).
This is Iran's "flying saucer"
The flying device is equipped with an auto-pilot system, a GPS (Global Positioning System) and two separate imaging systems with full High Definition (HD) 10 mega-pixel picture quality.
The Zohal is planned to be used for variety of missions, mostly related to aerial imaging. The cuadrotour unmanned device is able to take and send images simultaneously.
The flying device also includes a small, portable navigation and monitoring center which will be used for transmitting data and images. Zohal can fly in both outdoor and indoor spaces.
I kind of feel the UK media are making light of the announcement, possibly even debunking the story when in fact the device appears to be very real and interesting. Mind you, the media in question only the Mail!
In the late 80s I started investigating UFOs and crop circles and joined the CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle Studies) and a local group researching strange sightings and reports along the south coast of Dorset (UK). In the early ’90s I started my own research group called SPS (Strange Phenomena Studies), this was renamed in 2004 to Cryptoworld.