Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) is the popular term for any apparent aerial phenomenon whose cause cannot be easily or immediately identified.

US government tried to ‘rebuilt’ crashed alien craft!

UFO News from Around the Web

Video: Fireball lights up night sky during Meteor Shower

Ex-Military, NASA Veterans Form new UFO Research Group!

Interesting questions raised in Parliament about Rendlesham Forest UFOs

Levitating Sphere seen on Mars?

Angel-Like UFOs seen near the Sun by NASA SOHO

3 UFOs Passing Sun Caught on NASA Camera?

Swarm of Locusts is devastating Russia crops (video)

UFO Strange Bright Objects Flying over Japan’s Osaka City

Weird Meteor, Light, UFO seen over Southern Russia

Obama talks UFOs, admits Aliens are in Control (maybe)

UFO and Weird Lights seen across the UK