Wearable future tech and now implants are starting to become real. With Google Glass, smart watches and other wearable tech becoming mainstream, implants were always seen as the next step towards an easier interaction with our digital world.
Now a Swedish office block has taken it one step closer by implanting the works with computer chips under their skin, replacing the need for ID cards.
The small radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips are pushed under the skin in the hand, and can then be used to open doors or use the photocopier.
Around 700 people have been fitted with the chips, at the Epicenter hi-tech office block in Sweden. That now includes the BBC’s technology reporter Rory Cellan-Jones, who said that when a tattooist put it in there “was a moment of pain – not much worse than any injection – and then he stuck a plaster over my hand”.
Those behind the chips hope that they will eventually become common enough to be used to pay for sandwiches in the canteen, or even replace passwords and PINs to get into computers. They can also be programmed to hold contact information and communicate with smartphone apps.

Can’t help feeling excited about things like this, but also a little creeped out — could the chip be used to track you out of hours? Simple answer would be yes, but they (conspiracy they/them, the ones watching) can probably already track you with your existing ID Cards!
Source: Independent