There are many UFO and Unidentified Object research groups around the world, some good and some bad ~ but now a new group has been formed by ex-Military and NASA veterans ~ backed by Silicon Valley investors!

A new nonprofit will explore what the U.S Navy calls “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” (UAPs), according to Motherboard. Backed in part by Silicon Valley investors, UAP eXpeditions hopes to “field a top-notch group of uber-experienced professionals providing the public service of field testing new UAP related technologies.”
Popular Mechanics
UAP EXPEDITIONS ORGANIZATION (link) was registered on 30th August 2019 by Kevin Day, a former scientist with NASA’s Ames Research Center, now an associate professor of physics at the University of Albany. Knuth specializes in machine learning and the study of exoplanets.
- There’s never been a better time than now to research UFOs, especially after the Navy recently confirmed their existence.
- Still, a new group—comprised of military veterans and an ex-NASA scientist—says the research can be more legitimate, and hopes to professionalize the study of UFOs.
Pentagon confirms existence of $22m UFO program, releases incident videos
Video shows the “Nimitz UFO Incident,” showing a “whitish oval object, about the size of a commercial plane being chased by two Navy F/A-18F fighter jets from the aircraft carrier Nimitz off the coast of San Diego 2004.
Links: Motherboard