The search for and study of animals whose existence and survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the Loch Ness monster and the Yeti – to name but a few!

Video: Giant Squid swims in to Japan bay

Summer Fate Bargain – On The Track Of Unknown Animals

Dwarf Dragons discovered in Peru and Ecuador!

Extremely Rare Ili Pika Photographed

Yeti Just a Brown Bear says Scientists!

Giant freshwater Stingray caught in Maeklong River Thailand

Woman dies after Grey Whale crashes into a Tourist Boat

Remembering the Thylacine aka Tasmanian Tiger

Monster Catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy!

Thylacine family at Beaumaris Zoo, Hobart, 1910

Rare Megamouth shark washes up on beach in Philippines

Rare Sierra Nevada Red Fox spotted in Yosemite National Park

African Golden Cat filmed hunting Red Colobus Monkeys (Video)