Chris Kenworthy

Australian UFO video hoaxer interview

UFO Watchdog has a very interesting two part interview with Chris Kenworthy, the man behind the recent Australian UFO Wave 2006 Website and the "Faked" UFO videos

Update: 18th November 2020
The original interview on appears to have disappeared – so we have reproduced the two part interview here. Interviews Filmmaker, Writer And UFO Hoaxer

Australian UFO hoaxer, Chris Kenworthy

UFO Watchdog has a very interesting two part interview with Chris Kenworthy, the man behind the recent Australian UFO Wave 2006 Website and the “Faked” UFO videos.

It’s interesting to note that Chris is not only a Filmmaker, Writer and UFO Hoaxer – he is, or rather was, a part-time (minor) crop circle maker here in Wiltshire where I’m now living.

Incidentally, Crop circles in Wiltshire have been very thin on the ground this year.

I heard a rumour (in a pub) that the “circle-makers” where having a year off – to make a point to the researchers and skeptics that the circles are nothing more than man-made!

I and Cryptoworld sit firmly in the middle (on the fence) when it comes to the question of whether crop circles are real (whatever real is) or man-made.

Anyway I digress. The Chris Kenworthy interview is interesting as Chris does claim that 2 of the UFO videos where not faked, he calls them genuine “Unidentified Flying Objects”.

He also talks about his own UFO sightings and odd experiences which started when he was just a kid.

Related Links: Interviews Chris Kenworthy (link no longer works)
Australian UFO Wave 2006 (site no longer exists)
Christopher Kenworthy offical website (site no longer exists)

CW Staff
CW Staff

In the late 80s I started investigating UFOs and crop circles and joined the CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle Studies) and a local group researching strange sightings and reports along the south coast of Dorset (UK). In the early ’90s I started my own research group called SPS (Strange Phenomena Studies), this was renamed in 2004 to Cryptoworld.

Articles: 760

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