A triangular UFO dubbed the Dudley Dorito has been spotted over the skies of the Black Country and Birmingham, UK.
Quality inspector Munesh Mistry, aged 21, spotted the triangular-shaped object above the skies of his home in Andrew Road, Tipton, at around 10.15pm on Sunday.

His sighting comes just weeks after a UFO was spotted hovering over Sutton Coldfield on the eve of Bonfire Night.
That time the triangular object, which was said to be four or five times the size of a commercial airliner, was seen by David Allen from Bendall Road, in Boldmere on November 4.
The sightings have echoes of the Dudley Dorito which was seen flying over the area during 2007 and 2008.
This looks and sounds a lot like the UFO seen over Tynemouth (UK) in 2006. It was though that the unknown object was probably a X-47A/B Pegasus, or something very similar.
Source: Express and Star
Read more: UFO alert – has the Dudley Dorito returned?
Update: Below is one of the first flights of the X-47 Unmanned Pegasus Aircraft. Test flights happened back in 2008, so it is highly likely that it is now in active service.