The search for and study of animals whose existence and survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the Loch Ness monster and the Yeti – to name but a few!

El Chupacabra Mystery Definitively Solved – Maybe!?

The Erickson Project aka Sasquatch the Quest Documentary

Bownessie Monster sighted again Feb 25th 2011

300 People Search Uwharrie National Forest for Bigfoot!

Photo: Bownessie, Windermere Lake Monster!

Video: Thylacine Sighting from Jan 2009?

Rare ocelot sighted in Southern Arizona

Top 10 Stories from 2010

Video: Terrible, Hairy Fly Rediscovered

8 Weird Discoveries

Extinct Japanese salmon found Alive in lake after 70 years!

Giant Stork fossil found on Hobbit Island!

Video: Tasmanian Tiger sighing from 2009