The infamous big cats of Buckinghamshire and Bexleyheath have been spotted again this summer.
The Beast of Bucks was seen around 5pm on the 2nd August 2007 by Richard Skipp and a work colleague while driving home near Beldlow Ridge, just north of West Wycombe.
“It was a puma-like creature. It wasn’t panicked by us, it just went through the hedge and slinked off.” said Mr Skipp.
The Bexleyheath big-cat was seen earlier this summer (no exact date given) at around 9.30pm by Nicola Short, as she travelled by train near Crayford.
The big black animal, thought by some to be a puma like cat, was seen descending from a tree before disappearing into the undergrowth.
Have you seen or heard a story about Big Cats in the UK? Please leave a comment or contact Cryptoworld in confidence via our contact form.
Bizarre London [link].
i saw an alsation-sized black cat in cold hiendly , west yorks on 1/3/12. it looked like a puma and was heading for some fields .