- Gilded wood statue of Tutankhamun being carried by a goddess
- Gilded wood statue of Tutankhamun harpooning. Only the torso and upper limbs of the king are missing
- Limestone statue of Akhena holding an offering table
- Statue of Nefertiti making offerings
- Sandstone head of an Amarna princess
- Stone statuette of a scribe from Amarna
- Wooden shabti statuettes from Yuya (11 pieces)
- Heart Scarab of Yuya
An investigation has begun to search for the people who have taken these objects, and the police and army plan to follow up with the criminals already in custody.
In another terrible turn of events, last night a magazine in Dahshur was broken into; it is called De Morgan’s. This magazine contains large blocks and small artifacts.
Source: DrHawass.com Sad News
Related: Looters break into Cairo’s Egyptian Museum