Colin Andrews delivered his first punch in New York last month at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, when he disputed the British Governments official statement regards involvement of the Ministry of Defence in crop circle and Ufo research. Andrews showed documentary Evidence from his new book ‘Government Circles’ that they lied and not just once.
Punch two came in Washington D.C. only days later during a fire storm presentation at the X-Conference where additional indisputable evidence was shown in the presence of the original government author, Nick Pope.
During the week that followed Andrews appeared live on BBC radio again with Nick Pope where, during heavy questioning, Pope admitted that Andrews was right and effectively withdraw much of the original government statement.
The actual government position and involvement, as shown by Andrews are extremely important for both the crop circles and UFO subjects and demonstrate why we need to be vigilant with the accuracy and truthfulness of statements made by governments, EVEN during this ‘so called’ period of CHANGE and transparency.
Visit Colin Andrews official website for more info.