Basking Shark, not Monster, found on Long Island Beach

Beached Basking Shark
Beached Basking Shark on Long Island

A 24-foot basking shark has washed ashore on a Long Island beach say local police.

The shark seems to have been alive when it washed ashore, as police said it died a short time later after it was found.

It’s unclear how the basking shark died or how it found its way to Gilgo State Park near Babylon in Suffolk County.  A necropsy will be performed soon.

Basking sharks are the second largest shark in the sea after the whale shark and are not a threat to humans.

Source: NBC New York News.
Photo: WNBC

CW Staff
CW Staff

In the late 80s I started investigating UFOs and crop circles and joined the CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle Studies) and a local group researching strange sightings and reports along the south coast of Dorset (UK). In the early ’90s I started my own research group called SPS (Strange Phenomena Studies), this was renamed in 2004 to Cryptoworld.

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