Mystery beast kills 3 dogs in Canada

A mystery creature, possibly of the lake-monster kind has been blamed for the killings of three dogs, and the disappearance of another four, in a northern Manitoba reserve in Canada.

Locals have been advised to avoid a lake and a small island where the three dead dogs where found gutted on Sunday morning.

Mystery beast blamed for killing 3 dogs

People on a northern Manitoba reserve are avoiding a lake after three sled dogs were gutted amid reports that a strange creature is on the loose.

Chief Joe Dantouze of the Northlands First Nation in Lac Brochet said Thursday that he had never seen an animal kill in the manner that befell the dogs.

The dogs were found gutted on a island in nearby Reindeer Lake on Sunday morning and another four dogs have gone missing.

Manitoba conservation officials have been looking into the matter and have taken the bodies of the dead dogs for analysis.

Dantouze said some people claimed to have spotted a mysterious creature on the lake, but didn’t give a description.

“There were signs that people had seen something out on the lake but they don’t know what type of animal it would be,” Dantouze said.

People believe the mysterious creature killed the dogs, he said.

“They’re afraid right now. People are afraid to go out on the lake, like for fishing, and to use the beaches around the lake.

“And I think, who wouldn’t be if something like this would happen to another lake? I think people would be scared and I think that’s how it is right now.”

Dantouze said the band has advised people to stay away from the lake for the time being.

Story, CBC News: Mystery beast blamed for killing 3 dogs

CW Staff
CW Staff

In the late 80s I started investigating UFOs and crop circles and joined the CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle Studies) and a local group researching strange sightings and reports along the south coast of Dorset (UK). In the early ’90s I started my own research group called SPS (Strange Phenomena Studies), this was renamed in 2004 to Cryptoworld.

Articles: 763


  1. I like what i’ve read and imagined, although for concret everdence they’ll demorolize this into there own words of what actually happend. I only wish people would understand, as i’ve seen crazy things in my time and I know what its like. I just hope the creature is seen more.

  2. I am from southend of reindeer lake,this happened a few years back..I want to start off by saying it is a lizard like creature with no head and it’s face was at the end of the neck..I dint believe it at girlfriend had a good friend in brochet.anyway,they were talking on the phone about 11 o’clock at night.she told my gf about everything,then my gf told me right away while the girl from brochet was on the phone,I grabbed the phone right away.the girl said the creature was screaming in a screaching sound.i honestly heard the creature is real and it did happen.they tried to kill it by tiring a couple dogs to a tree near the shoreline of the came out of the waters and tried to attack the dogs,but there were locals airing for the beast to come out with shot guns and what not.that is how I know the description on the creature.

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