The Gorilla Organization who work internationally to save the world’s last remaining wild gorillas have announced the arrival of twins in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda.
The Gorilla Organization is excited to announce the birth of an extremely rare pair of mountain gorilla twins in the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. The twins, who were born on 3 February 2011, are only the fifth set of twins ever recorded in the history of Rwanda’s mountain gorillas.
The mother, known fondly to rangers as Kabatwa, belongs to the Hirwa group of gorillas and is reportedly proving to be an excellent mother. Kabatwa is one of fewer than 800 mountain gorillas remaining in the wild.
Gorillas general give birth to just one baby every 4 years, so the birth of twins is very rare. Lets hope both survive and are well looked after by their mother.
More information about The Gorilla Organization can be found on the website.