
Friday’s Round-up

With the resent wave of TV programs and tabloid interest in all things weird, it seems that more and more people are believing in monsters, ufo’s, ghosts and previously poo-pooed subjects, but why? Are we all so totally fed up with reality TV and stories of war that we need something new to stimulate our tiny minds? Maybe? But I think this is an exciting time, if more people are looking for these things, the greater the chance of actually finding something tangible, and the more evidence they find the more they will want to look. But it's interesting how we can swing from cynic to believer so quickly. More than half of the UK population believe in UFOs, and a staggeringly large amount of Americans are convinced the US Government are in contact or in league with Aliens. Are they? Should we be worried?

With the resent wave of TV programs and tabloid interest in all things weird, it seems that more and more people are believing in monsters, ufo’s, ghosts and previously poo-pooed subjects, but why? Are we all so totally fed up with reality TV and stories of war that we need something new to stimulate our tiny minds? Maybe? But I think this is an exciting time, if more people are looking for these things, the greater the chance of actually finding something tangible, and the more evidence they find the more they will want to look. But it’s interesting how we can swing from cynic to believer so quickly. More than half of the UK population believe in UFOs, and a staggeringly large amount of Americans are convinced the US Government are in contact or in league with Aliens. Are they? Should we be worried?

Loch Ness Monster?
Loch Ness Monster?

Bigfoot, Nesse and Monster hunting have become big business, with more and more expeditions being planned all over the world, and with large rewards for the capture of some of these beasts you can understand why. Believe it or not, a $1 million reward for the capture of the Loch Ness Monster has been announced! Yep you read it right – Loren Coleman has said the bounty would be paid by a US firm who has an interest in cryptozoology (the study of hidden, rumoured or unknown creatures). Who is this firm and why do they want a live Nesse? Are they planning a Nesse-World theme park? Apparently, the cash will only be paid if it’s captured ‘Alive’, pictures won’t do – so put your cameras away and go buy yourselves a very large fishing net!

Mokele-mbembe footprint?
Mokele-mbembe footprint?

Another fascinating, but slightly bizarre reason for an expedition is planned by Creation Generation. A quick glance at their Mission Statement will explain! But nerveless, the 2006 expedition to Equatorial Africa, in search of Mokele-mbembe (The Living Dinosaur) sounds very interesting indeed. Previous expeditions in the 80s and 90s turned up some interesting information and eyewitness accounts. The team believe Mokele-mbembe is a real living animal and not just a legend. A semi aquatic animal, a strict vegetarian, but probably very dangerous if approached.

Japanese expeditions in 1988 and 1992 resulted in frequent observations of a large animal moving around in a lake as if foraging on the bottom. And a joint search by CryptoSafari and the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club in 2001 were told by witnesses that the mokeles were not forest-dwelling animals, they lived solely in rivers and swamp pools and only ventured ashore to eat the leaves of trees. If discovered, the Mokele-mbembe would definitely be the greatest zoological discovery of all time.

Extreme Expeditions are planning to return to Mongolia in 2006; their expedition in 2003 to look for the Allghoi Khorkhoi (Death worm) was the inspiration for our trip this year. This time they are looking for the Almas, a strange apelike creatures allegedly resembling Neanderthal man. They are also hoping to revisit some areas where the Allghoi Khorkhoi has been sighted. The CFZ and Cryptoworld are also planning expeditions next year; Cryptoworld would like to re-visit Mongolia to follow up reports of the Allghoi Khorkhoi, and there is talk of a trip to New Zealand, investigating stories of the Giant Gecko lizard.

The next 12 months are definitely going to be an exciting time, if you’ve been on an expedition, or have an idea for one that you would like to share with us, please contact Cryptoworld via our Contact Page.

CW Staff
CW Staff

In the late 80s I started investigating UFOs and crop circles and joined the CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle Studies) and a local group researching strange sightings and reports along the south coast of Dorset (UK). In the early ’90s I started my own research group called SPS (Strange Phenomena Studies), this was renamed in 2004 to Cryptoworld.

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