Cadborosaurus October 1937

Cadborosaurus ‘Caddy’ sighting from 1963

From the Archives: An interesting sighting of 'Caddy' (Cadborosaurus) from a 1963 copy of Space Review!

In my office I have a small mountain of boxes that contain all sorts of weird and wonderful material. Yesterday I sat down and went through one of them trying to catalogue the contents. I failed miserable because I ended up reading everything instead of just organising it in to categories.

What I did find though was an interesting sighting of Caddy from a 1963 copy of Space Review. Cadborosaurus or ‘caddy’ as it is more commonly known, is a sea serpent that is reported to be living along the Pacific Coast of North America. Interesting, more than 300 sightings have been reported over the past 200 years.

Cryptoworld Archives
Taken from Space Review ~ August/September 1963

“I saw strangest sight” Is Cadborosaurus, the often seen but never photographed sea serpent, back in Southern Vancouver Island water after a prolonged absence?

Mrs. R. A. Stewart believes so. She is sure she saw ‘Caddy’ or one of his cousins last Sunday afternoon (1st February 1963), near Gabriola Island. Mrs Stwart in entering the ‘I believe in Caddy’ contest organised by Times Columnist Monte Roberts, writes in part : “I have been reading a lot about Caddy and this i sthe first time I ever thought there could be any truth in such an animal.

“Sunday after my husband, children and I went up to Gabriola Island to explore the beach and do some fishing. We went out fishing in a small rowboat on the Gulf side, off my parents’ waterfront cottage.

We caught a good-sized codfish and as my husband was untangling the hooks, I looked out at the glass-like calm waters.

Mrs. Stewart who has boated in the area for 15 years is convinced that what she saw was not kelp, porpoise, blackfish, sea lion or any other ‘normal’ marine phenomena.

“I only wish some responsible persons would go over to Gabriola Island and row a few yards offshore on the Gulf side towards Loche Bay and see if they too, don’t see what we saw.”

Seems like a classic sighting, but I love the idea that responsible persons should row out and see if they can find it!

I’m going to try and sit down and organise the Archives a bit better – and I’ll definitely publish anything else of interest.

CW Staff
CW Staff

In the late 80s I started investigating UFOs and crop circles and joined the CCCS (Centre for Crop Circle Studies) and a local group researching strange sightings and reports along the south coast of Dorset (UK). In the early ’90s I started my own research group called SPS (Strange Phenomena Studies), this was renamed in 2004 to Cryptoworld.

Articles: 763

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